Why try Face Yoga?

The tomographic image shows the increase in blood circulation in the face after just three 10-seconds sets from one of the face yoga poses!

Face Yoga helps:

• lift and tone your face and neck muscles;

• reduce of the appearance of the wrinkles;

• eliminate  the tension in your face, shoulders and neck;

• improve the colour of the skin on your face by boosting  blood and lymphatic circulation;

• detoxify your face;

• improve the symmetry of your face;

• improve  your self-image;

• reduce headaches;

• reduce signs of fatigue on your face;

• improve your posture;

• boost your mood and self-confidence;

• activate your mind-body awareness;

• increase relaxation by learning to calm yourself.


As for any training, it is important to practice regularly. It is much better to practice 10-15 minutes daily,  then one hour once in a while. Ideally, practice twice a day, the first thing in the morning and right before going to bed. Practicing in the morning can help to break bad facial habits. Practicing in the evening helps to reset the muscles you used during the day and to relax not only the face muscles, but the mind and prepare you to have a nice peaceful sleep.

Some people start to see results right away, even after one practice! But after two weeks of practice most people begin to see positive changes. For more lasting results it is necessary to continue practicing for at least several months.

As with any  training, if you interrupt practicing for one or two months, you will still keep the results, while if you quit the training for good you will return to the previous state. However, with Face Yoga there have been many cases where some facial issues were solved permanently.

No, it would be quite difficult and it could happen only if you do it the wrong way. That is why it is important to start practicing Face Yoga under an expert’s supervision. To make sure you are using the right muscles and moving them correctly, practice in front of a mirror until you get the movements right.

Practice, practice, practice! Practice makes perfect. If you are not used to moving some muscles on your face, it may take time to “feel” these movements. 
